Please call us at (620) 663-9805 or (800) 536-9805.
Frequently Asked Questions About Inground Swimming Pools
Q: How much does an inground swimming pool cost?
A: The cost of a swimming pool will generally start in the $30,000 range. Accessories and features can drive the cost up as far as your imagination and budget can stand.
Q: If I get a smaller inground pool, will it be a lot less money?
A: We build vinyl liner pools and a smaller pool will use fewer panels and a smaller liner. The equipment on the pool (pump, filter, skimmer, main drain, returns, step section, maintenance equipment, etc.) and labor are the same on a medium size pool as a small pool and makes a little difference in price.
Q: But you want that much money?
A: Swimming pools are custom construction projects and are built by various trades and contractors with different standards. In order for a swimming pool to be built at a low price, quality would have to be compromised. The cost of the pool might be "cheap," but your time and money spent to care for the pool could be many times more if the pool is not built correctly to begin with. Much of what you do not see will impact the cost of owning your pool, such as craftsmanship, quality and sizing of materials and equipment, design of the pool, underground strength of the pool structure, ease of maintenance on the pool, warranties, and service.
Swimming pools do not get less expensive in the winter time. There have been extensive increases in steel, gasoline, and insurance premium hikes, your pool will never be less expensive than it is today.
Q: What does it cost to operate an inground swimming pool?
A: As little as $600 per season will buy the chemicals for the swimming pool. If the pool pump is operated 24 hours a day and the water is maintained, it will cost less to operate than if the pool is ignored and allowed to turn green.
Q: How long does it take to build an inground swimming pool?
A: Ebeling Pools, Inc. builds vinyl liner pools and standard install time is 10 days.
Q: Do I have to put up a fence?
A: Some insurance companies will require a six-foot fence around the pool. The city of Hutchinson requires a four-foot fence with self-latching and self-closing gates. To properly answer this question, you need to check your local regulations.
Q: What about safety?
A: Safety should always be considered around a swimming pool. Most accidents involving injury occur to children under 5 years of age who are unsupervised, cannot swim and fall into a pool or a pool cover with water on top. Drowning can occur to people of any age and swimming ability in just a split second.
The Association of Pool and Spa Professionals can be a source of great information about pools and pool safety. View their website here: http://poolandhottub.apsp.org/
Some suggestions are install and maintain fencing, self-closing, and latching gates, baby barrier fences and alarms (pool alarm and door alarm); cordless phones to be used pool side, as well as life rings, shepherd hooks, and lockable safety covers that meet the ASTM safety standards. Maintain the clarity of the water and operation of the equipment. Make sure there are adequate safe entry and exit methods in both ends of the pool. Make sure that all warning signs provided by the manufacturer, builder, and installer are displayed according to the manufacturers' specifications.
Frequently Asked Questions About Fireplaces and Stoves
Q: What kind of stoves/fireplaces do you sell?
A: Ebeling sells stoves and fireplaces that use gas (LP or natural), wood, electric, wood pellet, and corn (also barley and wheat). Ebeling sells products from Heat-n-Glo, Quadra-Fire, Mendota, American Hearth, Pacific Energy as well as Electric Fireplaces from Modern Flame
Q: Is a bigger stove or fireplace better than a smaller one?
A: A stove or fireplace must be sized to the area where it is installed. If you put too large of a unit in, it will not operate very long, and you will not have much time to enjoy it. An over-sized unit can overheat a small area.
Q: Can I use my existing chimney to vent?
A: In general, when you are installing an insert in a fireplace, as long as your chimney is in safe condition, you are required to clean and install a liner in the chimney. You cannot have more than one unit using existing chimney for venting.
Each situation and fuel use is specific regarding appropriate venting and installation of that unit. Please review the installation manual from the manufacturer for proper installation of your unit. Improper venting or installation of any unit can have disastrous results.
Q: Is it difficult to maintain my pellet/corn stove?
A: Under normal operation, you will need to pull the raker rods once a week, the ash pan needs to be dumped every couple of weeks (except if you have a corn stove that requires daily attention). The ash needs to be swept out of the stove and the fire pot scraped on a weekly basis and the glass cleaned. The maintenance normally takes about 15 minutes. Pellet/corn stoves need to have a deep cleaning at least once a season or every one ton of pellets, which involves cleaning the inside of the stove and the vent system. The manufacturer of your specific unit will have further instruction regarding cleaning requirements and you need to refer to your owner's manual.