Pool Openings
Schedule your pool opening with Ebeling Pools and we'll make sure its done right!
Spring Pool Opening Includes:
- Visually check pool for signs of damage from winter
- Start pumping water off cover (if there is still water on it)
- Remove leaves and debris from pool cover
- Make sure swimming pool is full of water and add water if needed
- Remove pool cover
- Clean, fold, and store pool cover in a safe place until fall
- Remove winter plugs from returns, skimmer, cleaner lines, and fittings
- Store plugs and winter parts in an easy to find location until fall
- Check deck equipment for wear; make sure safe to use another season
- Reinstall ladders, handrails, diving boards, and other deck equipment making sure that all fulcrum pads, bolts, and hardware are properly installed, and replace if needed
- Check skimmer weirs; make sure they are in place and working properly
- Check that baskets are in good condition and securely placed
- On the return inlets, make sure the “eyeballs” are in place and pointed down
- Check for approved cover plates on all side suction and balancing outlets
- If light was removed, reinstall properly and make sure that is works
- Reinstall any automatic cleaning equipment that was stored during winterization
- Lay out hoses of auto pool cleaner on deck with head attached
- Scoop debris from pool with leaf net
- Brush pool walls
- Check for properly ground electrical equipment
- Reinstall all pump motors and drain plugs
- Check that all gaskets and “O” rings are in place and lubricate with "magic lube"
- Make sure that the impeller shaft spins freely (with pump off)
- Check the condition of the filter media (sand, cartridge or DE)
- Make sure filter assembly is in place, check “O” ring and lubricate, install pressure gauge
- Install filter drain plug, check backwash valve and tighten clamp and bolts
- Reconnect chlorinator, reinstall drain plug and check “O” ring; fill chlorinator
- Connect heater pressure switch. With system on, light pilot, turn on heater and if working properly, turn switch off. If not working, check for animal nests, etc, schedule service for the pool heater.
- If the water is high enough, start system up, check for air and water leaks
- Backwash filter, vacuum swimming pool, and start normal pool operation.